
Airline or Private?

This question is so often asked on Instagram. What would you prefer to fly, airline or private? Do you want to fly a bigger plane? The answer is quite simple! At this moment I fly a so-called Medium sized jet that flies faster and higher than most airlines and could fly further than a Boeing 737 …

Trip planning

As a pilot, I’m privileged to see a lot of the world. Lots of different cities with their own unique points. Often its difficult to plan a trip. To start you have to decide what you want to see on your trip. This is the easiest step. If you want to see the beach you …


This year I was not planning to go on winter sport! That plan failed completely and in March we went anyway. I was on duty when Petra called me that she really really really wanted to go skiing. First I thought she was joking but after she hung up the phone she started sending me …


Turbulence is one of the things that frightens the most passengers on board of an aircraft. People mostly thing that the wings of an aircraft will fall off because of this or it might end up into something worse but these stories are not true. In this blog, I’ll try to explain in an easy way …

Indonesia trip!

You might have seen it already a few times on Instagram or Facebook or even youtube. Last year in September I’ve been to Indonesia with Petra (GF). I was in Bali once before and I swore I would never go back there ever again. This first time Bali was in 2011. Bali is an island …