Month: May 2018


Turbulence is one of the things that frightens the most passengers on board of an aircraft. People mostly thing that the wings of an aircraft will fall off because of this or it might end up into something worse but these stories are not true. In this blog, I’ll try to explain in an easy way …

How to fly!

How to fly a plane? Easy! The formula on the right explains everything that you need to know. I promise you need nothing else. This is more or less everything they told me the first day of aviation training. I didn’t remember the formula anymore but at the time they pretended like you are going …

Indonesia trip!

You might have seen it already a few times on Instagram or Facebook or even youtube. Last year in September I’ve been to Indonesia with Petra (GF). I was in Bali once before and I swore I would never go back there ever again. This first time Bali was in 2011. Bali is an island …


Airways are like highways for cars. An aircraft has to fly on these airways to fly from 1 place to another. There are different kinds of airways but I’ll explain the basis of how they work. Let’s say you take your car and want to drive from Amsterdam to Paris. You take a highway to …

Waterskiing / Wakeboarding

You might have noticed on my other social media platforms that I love to do watersports. It has been something I’ve been doing every summer since my 6th birthday. My parents had plans to open a Waterskipark in Almere, near Amsterdam (cable park Almere.) I liked swimming already so my parents put me on a …